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Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Roland AC 33
Nicholas W. 26.09.2014
I think this amp is fantastic the quality of sound is amazing I am particually impressed with the reverb and effects. The built in looper is also very easy to use but you really need the pedal not supplied. The build quality is also very good I haven't used the amp outside yet which is the primary purpose . The volume level even at the highest gain does not distort or break up. This amp is an acoustic amp ang gives a warm clear sound. This is a very versatile piece of kit and ideal for home and studio use. With a line out it can be plugged into a pa and th amp used as a monitor. The build quality is also very good though I would have preferred a metal speaker mesh than the cloth.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
A good amp for electro-acoustic guitar
David Chamberlain 18.12.2017
I originally bought this amp as a portable solution for small jazz gigs with trios/duos. Sadly it does not produce much sound before it starts to break up and I think there are better options on the market as far as this purpose is concerned. However, I have also used it to amplify my nylon-stringed electro-acoustic guitar for which purpose it works very well, even with a full rhythm section in a large concert hall. I would recommend this amp for amplifying electro-acoustic guitars but not for general use with semi-acoustic or solid guitars.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Hmm, nothing wrong with it, so why did I sell it?
Timddeb. 17.07.2018
Well, for the stated power it was quiet. We got more out of a 5W VOX! Features didn't really live up to the hype. I kept it for too log and ended up selling it for a loss