This is definitely the best digital simulator of them all. I have personal experience with Fractal, Kemper, Tonex, Headrush, Mooer, and Helix. Fractal offers more options, possibly higher-quality effects, and Helix might have effects at a higher level, but sound-wise, Quad Cortex is the closest to the tube original of them all. Stock sounds are quite good, but the real magic happens when you create your own amp Capture, which you love and know well. Then Quad Cortex will truly reward you and outperform the competition. The controls are intuitive, although they could be improved, but with new versions, it's more and more refined. I was able to set up a live preset entirely from scratch during a concert in about 5 minutes, using only eight buttons and without using a computer, so that says something. I don't see any drawbacks here.