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Gator opět nezklamal. Solidně navržený a ušitý pouzdro, dobrý polstrování, výztuž na krk. G2622 i VSA500 se vejdou tak akorát. Hodně natěsno, ale přece pojme i lubovku.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Finally! A Great Gigbag For A V!
HardBoiledEden 11.10.2019
I searched so long for a nice quality gig bag for my Jackson King V, and ordered this one blind from Thomann. It fits so snug in the bag It's like it was meant for it. I feel at ease while the guitar is in the bag.
The bag itself is very comfortable on my back, and has plenty of space for cables and other accessories. The rain cover is a nice bonus. Although I live in a very warm country, it's appreciated.
Highly recommended for V guitars. It took me way too long finding a good bag for mine, don't skip on this one.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Well Made Padded Carry Case.
Vanishing 25.02.2022
Bought for an Epiphone Riviera.
It is a good fit and seems to offer good protection and isn't too heavy.
It feels a little soft around the neck and I would have liked the neck support inside to be a bit bigger but I haven't noticed any problems as a result.
Lots of handles and strap options and good storage. Stitching and materials seem good so far.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Good protective bag
Davgo 15.07.2020
I waited a little bit until writing this evaluation in order to see that the product indeed stands some test of time.
The product indeed answers my expectations as a professional touring guitarist. It keeps the guitar safe, also from rain.
The only downside is a bit the weight of the bag which is relatively heavy (I estimate around 4 kg) and a bit stiff for your back as the bag is sort of hard.
If it's about going door to door by car to your concert, then it's perfect! If you depend on trains and quite some walking in between, the weight is a point to take into consideration.
For sure a very good product overall!