Music Makes Everything a Little Bit Better!

Music Makes Everything a Little Bit Better!

Don’t you agree that music makes everything in life just a little better? We do…

Back 2 School
Choosing Your First Musical Instrument

Choosing Your First Musical Instrument

The first instrument is often one that stick with you for life… Which one will you give to your friend, child or relative?

Learn to play a musical instrument
10 Reasons to Learn a Musical Instrument

10 Reasons to Learn a Musical Instrument

Learning to play a musical instrument is good for you! But why? We explain in this article…

Music therapy
Music therapy and meditation: Wellness of Mind, Body & Soul

Music therapy and meditation: Wellness of Mind, Body & Soul

Music therapy and meditation: two healing practices that go hand in hand with musical instruments.

Music Production in the Era of Social Media

Music Production in the Era of Social Media

There’s no doubt that Social Media has changed the way that (some) people create music. In this blog article we look at how…

How the Weather Affects Our Music Listening

How the Weather Affects Our Music Listening

Does the weather affect our musical preferences? Sure it does! This article explains…

Rise of Bedroom Producers header
The Rise of Bedroom Producers

The Rise of Bedroom Producers

Have you ever wondered how bedroom producers have become what they are today? Find out how bedroom producers have climbed the charts…

50 anni di hip hop
50 Years of Hip Hop: A Brief History

50 Years of Hip Hop: A Brief History

Let’s celebrate hip hop! 🎶 Created in 1973, this music genre and lifestyle celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.

World Piano Day 2023 – Worldwide Piano Pride

World Piano Day 2023 – Worldwide Piano Pride

Start warming up your fingers, it’s World Piano Day! In this article we tell you what it’s all about…

Best Apps for Musicians in 2023

Best Apps for Musicians in 2023

So many music apps to choose, so little time! â–º Here’s our list of the best apps for musicians in 2023, come check them out on our!