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Perfect for 5-string violin
Rambling Fiddler 19.12.2019
i found it not that easy to find which string would fit a 5 string violin. I really loved this one, as it gave a clearer and more "complete" sound than the previous string (the one made by Helicore).
The difference in tone with all my other strings (Evah Pirazzi) was really clear to me, though. It mattered to me since I thought of my low-C string as a different one than the rest.
Still, I love it! Go ahead and give it a try :-)
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Mahadev 28.07.2021
I use this for my 5 string Europa violin that I bought from Thomann. Tonal clarity and smoothness in playing. Very quality one and I am happy to use this.
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Cirrian 01.09.2020
Lange hatte ich die Werksbesaitung auf der 5er Fiddle von Thoman(war da auch damit zufrieden!)
Aber nun dieses tiefe,klare C & den kompletten 4/4 Satz Dominant von Thomastik.Auch da,mehr tiefe & Klarheit...Der Ton hall't mehr nach...I'm happy !!!