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Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
It's a cable - or is it..
Ashley T. 20.01.2015
I've often wondered on the merits of purchasing a quality kettle lead.
I dreamt once of a kettle lead that cured world hunger and fought bad ass battles against space daemons intent on destroying everything I held dear before swallowing me up hole.
Well people - If you're reading this - Then you know that I found that cable.
This amazing piece of kit swung into my life like that guy in the films swinging from trees.
It held me gently, telling me everything was all right, caressing my hair - Making me feel whole again.
Anyway, back to the review.
This cable adequately supplies power to my devices and ensures that they don't turn off.
It's well constructed and I move it around - a lot - between devices.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Jonny BS 03.01.2024
I wanted to connect my amp to the mains electricity supply and after some research, discovered that I needed this cable.
Popped one end into the amp and the other into the wall ‘plug’ socket.
Apart from having to google that the plug socket needed to be turned ‘on’ - something perhaps that could have been in the cable instructions- all was great.
I’m so happy with my purchase!!
It’s black too, so matches the colour of my soul perfectly.