10 Tips for the perfect Demo-Tape

10 Tips for the perfect Demo-Tape

Conquer your record deal or score a gig with a professionally-made demo tape. How? Read here!

The difference between balanced and unbalanced cables

The difference between balanced and unbalanced cables

Balanced or unbalanced? That is the question! ▶︎ Learn about the key differences with our informative guide to help you make the right choice for your audio setup, ensuring optimal sound quality ✓

10 Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Musician

10 Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Musician

Here is a compilation of some of the worst comments when addressing a musician and their profession.

Recording an electric guitar

Recording an electric guitar

Without good sound you won’t have good sound production. Here are various methods in recording an electric guitar.

Choosing the right guitar strap

Choosing the right guitar strap

Straps for guitars and basses – tips, types and models in choosing the ideal strap.

Guitar Shredding
Shredding – Tips & Tricks

Shredding – Tips & Tricks

How to set up your shred axe, including shredding tips and tricks!

Guitar maintenance – The big spring clean

Guitar maintenance – The big spring clean

A short guide on how to clean, care and prolong the life of your guitar.

5 Delay tricks you should know

5 Delay tricks you should know

Delay pedals can be more than just a simple echo. Kris shows you five applications and delay types.

One Way To Sound Like … John Petrucci

One Way To Sound Like … John Petrucci

John Petrucci has an amazing, well thought out and truly exceptional guitar sound. Presented here in a brief overview are a few ways on how to get that sound.

10 Great Tips to Become a Professional Musician

10 Great Tips to Become a Professional Musician

Here is a list of some good habits to help you stick to your goals.