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Orange Micro Terror


Hybrid Electric Guitar Amp Head

Since the amps have returned with the original color scheme, they are rightly claiming their niche in the highly competitive amplifier market. Just as before, when countless sizes used these amps, Orange Amplifier builds distinctive sound for people who know exactly what they want.

  • Power 20 watts
  • 1 Channel
  • Controls volume, tone and gain
  • Precision tube: 1x ECC83
  • AUX input: 3.5 mm jack
  • Speaker connection: 1x 8 Ohm
  • Dimensions: 165 mm x 135 mm x 92 mm
  • Weight: 0.85 kg
  • Incl. 15 Volt DC power supply
katalógusunkba bekerült: Május 2012
Termékszám 278348
mennyiségi egység 1 darab
Power 15 W
Channels 1
Reverb No
Effects No
Footswitch No
65 100 ft
ÁFÁ-val, plusz 6 900 ft szállítási költség
Azonnal szállítható
Azonnal szállítható

A termék raktáron van és azonnal szállítható

Szállítással kapcsolatos tájékoztató
Szállítás megközelítőleg Szerda, 25.09. és Csütörtök, 26.09. közt.

329 Ügyfelek értékelései

4.7 / 5

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202 Vélemények

Pici, hangos. Telt, meleg hangzás jellemzi
Nitta 25.08.2021
Orange Micro Dark helyett vettem meg. Nekem az túl harsány volt, hiányzott az EQ állítási lehetőség.
A Micro Terror Tone potija, sokkal erőteljesebben reagál és veszi vissza a magasabb frekvenciákat (tompítja el a hangot), mint a Micro Dark Shape potija. Nekem ez fontos szempont, mert a mély/közép dús hangzást kedvelem. Azonban a jobban kitekert Tone poti bőségesen elegendő élességet nyújt azok számára, akik ezt szeretik. Szerintem sokoldalúbb a Micro Darknal, viszont vele szemben kevésbé metál.

A Gain visszavételével könnyedén használható a tiszta hangzás is, mely szintén nagyon testes és telt.

Nagyon hangos! Lakásban használom Orange 112 és 212es V30as ládákkal, de a hangerő poti hirtelen hangosít, kicsit hiányzik belőle az az átmenet, hogy halkabban is lehessen használni. Ennek ellenére, szerintem 112 ládával lakásban még jól használható szoba hangerőn. 212-vel már nagyon dübörög.

Torzítása Rock, nem metál! Nekem metálhoz kevés a gain. Fishmann, EMG, vagy nagyobb jelű hangszedővel elég jól használható metálra is, de véleményem szerint olyankor jót tesz neki egy Overdrive pedál. Ibanez TS minivel, TS-9-el és Boss SD-1 is használom, zseniális high gain metál hangok hozhatók ki belőle.

Lakáson kívül nem próbáltam a hangerejét.

Orange-ra jellemző orrosabb dús, erőteljes hangzás jellemzi. Stílust illetőleg szerintem mindenre használható. Tiszta hangszíne nem Fenderes, de kellemes, telt, meleg hang jellemzi. Tone kitekerésével megfelelően csilingel is. Blues, rock, chrunch-os megoldásokra zseniális, overdrive pedállal metálhoz és a modernebb stílusok kedvelőinek lehangolt zenékhez is jól használható.


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Sajnos hiba történt. Kérjük, később próbálkozz újra.
Unbelievable little amp and THE one to have
Pete-plays-guitar 25.04.2017
I have not purchased a product in a long time which has completely blown me away in terms of really surprising me how good it it.

Firstly it is tiny, really tiny, just a bit bigger than a small carton of milk (can't think of other things that size) and weighs nothing at all (mainly due to the external power supply). I bought it in conjunction with the matching gig bag.

The second surprise for it's size is that t is loud, very loud. I am running it through a home-made 1x12 cab (as I personally think the matching 1x8 is a bit naff and there are lots of alternatives n the same price range - Harley Benton G112 for instance) and I am getting to 9 o'clock and starting to worry about the upsetting the neighbours.

I was split between this and the Micro Dark, but I wanted more volume before breaking and entering into distortion territory. With the gain cranked to 2 o'clock you get a gorgeous rock overdrive sound and above that into mild to middle distortion.

The tone control is very basic but extreme from ear splitting sharpness to sounding like it is under a dozen pillows. I have combined this with an Orange Two Stroke to drive the front end a bit harder and have a much wider control of the tone shaping and I am in heaven.

The Aux input is a 'bit of whatever', I can't see myself using it and they also dropped it on the Dark model. The lack of effects loop is also not a deal breaker.

You could easily do a small pub gig with this amp and there are many videos on the 'the tube' which show how it can easily drive a 4x12. There is also the option to swap out the pre-amp valve for a better one, but until the one in it dies, I am quite happy with the sound.

Lastly it is pretty much the price of a decent effects pedal. It is an amp that takes you back to basics, with a phenomenal sound and punch.

As I mentioned at the beginning, there are a few products which have given me a 'wow factor' over the years and this is quite high on that list.

This is an uncategorically superb piece of gear and highly recommended.


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Sajnos hiba történt. Kérjük, később próbálkozz újra.
Really good
JDJW 10.06.2018
These are a remarkably good amp for their price and size. As an amp for small gigs (or even for bigger events) these perform far beyond what they look like they should be capable of.
The first thing to note about these amps is obviously their size. They are significantly smaller than a loaf of bread, and look amusingly small on top of a 2x12 cabinet.
Having said this, the sound could never be described as 'small'. These are louder than any amp this size has a right to be. I have used mine in some big rooms and still had sound guys telling me to turn down. If you're playing in venues with microphones for electric guitar, there'll never be an issue with dialling in a great clean tone. If anything, you'll want to run them a little bit hotter (isn't that always the way with guitarists?) because in my experience the best sounds have been just on the edge of breakup.
I generally dial in a fairly transparent clean tone to use as a base for drive pedals, and have found that they work well with pedals. Obviously, there is no effects loop, so that's something to be aware of if you like running pedals through a loop.
One of the most important recommendations I could make with regard to these amps is to consider using a larger cabinet than the matching PPC108 cab. I have been using a Jet City 24S+ 2x12 cabinet, and have found that while it takes away from the portability of the stack a bit, the gains in tone are well worth it.
I can't comment on the auxiliary jack which is included, but I'm sure it would serve a purpose if you needed it, and I suppose there's no harm in having the facility there.
In terms of cons, the tone control is fairly basic , and only allows a certain level of tone shaping, but it does have a good range. In general, I keep it set between 11am and 1pm and find that going outside of this leads to very dark and muddy or ear-piercingly bright.
To summarise, this is a really good amp for the price, and for me it has performed consistently for the past three years without missing a beat. I'm so fond of them, that I bought a second one.


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Sajnos hiba történt. Kérjük, később próbálkozz újra.
Very rich tone.
Anonim 11.02.2016
This thing blows my mind. I use it paired with a 1x12 Cab for live shows in a small bar and it is just packed full of goodness.

Very small and light, can easily just throw it in a bag and go.
LOUD. very loud. I never crank it full and it is enough to fill the whole room full of sound.
Surprisingly versatile. It does not have many controls but the range of sounds I managed to get out of it is staggering: Jazzy cleans, classic rock, heavy metal and so on.
Valve pre-amp. Yes. Valve. In this tiny box.
Responds to dynamics like a champ. You can literally play clean melodies, loud chords and distorted power chords by just altering the way you pluck the strings. Amazing.
Takes pedals well. You can actuall boost this thing with an overdrive pedal and achieve some true metal tones, It also handles loopers if the gain isn't too high. Sadly, chorus, delay and reverb no go after distortion is around 1 O'Clock.
Looks really cute.

No manual in the box (really surprizing) no warning not to plug into the cab with an instrument lead, no instruction how to replace a valve. Aren't instruction manuals mandatory by the EU law?
No FX Loop (More than makes up for it with its own sounds)
A completely useless headphone jack (the sound is dreadful)
Awkward mains plug, looks like a computer one (nitpicking here)

I love this thing. Had a lot of good comments from the audience about the sound. At this price point it is a steal. It is not perfect but I cannot think of a better sounding amp for this money.


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