If you're thinking about buying this pickup then you probably already know a little about it.
It is hands down the most transparent humbucker i have ever used, the entire frequency range comes through your amplifier, sparkling highs and booming lows.
I highly recommend this for anyone with a mahogany body guitar as it seems they perfectly compliment each other .
It is very loud and will make all your other pickups sound tiny and i have mine split and it sounds amazing so this is a great way to temper its extremes.
I fitted mine into my Ibanez RG and have played it though both modern and vintage tube amps and i have to hand it Dimarzio this pickup sings no matter what you plug it into.
I use it mainly for classic rock with the volume rolled down to 7, then crank to 10 for solos.
Buy one, you will not regret it.