I use the AKG K240 MKII headphones in my own bedroom recordings as well as a monitor when playing with amp sims and my POD HD, and they are definitely one of the best purchases I've ever made. The sound is clear and detailed, and the price is unbeatable.
With a frequency range of 15-25000 Hz the K240MKII set might lack some definition in the highs and depth in the lows, but it is well enough for a beginner producer and someone who wants cheaper studio headphones (and the sound is a lot clearer than many pricey Hi-Fi headphones). I personally think that they sound fantastic, but I am not a professional so take this for what it's worth.
Right out of the box, the set has some issues with comfort. The hard leather ear pads never fit my taste, but a switch to the velour ear pads made them a lot better. The headband is one of the best I've tried, and the headphones fit my head perfectly without adjustments.
Unfortunately, the default cable started getting bad wear during the first year, to the point there is a bunch of exposed wire at the moment. However, I am pretty rough with them so with someone more careful I think they'd last for longer.
Pros - great price, great sound and they fit extremely comfortably.
Cons - default ear pads were somewhat uncomfortable and irritating, and the cable wore out pretty fast.