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A good and stable stand
RArnar 13.10.2023
A light and stable stand. Using it to carry a Korg Kronos 73 and a Yamaha YC61. The main reason for choosing this stand instead of the other similar types on offer was the 10 degree tilt on the upper tier. The stand is very easy to set up and dissasemble and the included bag has seperated compartments for the braces and legs. As mentioned by others, the bag is probably not super durable but should hold up with normal use and care. The one downside I found is that the mic holder on the upper tier does somewhat limit the depth of the upper keyboard. I would have liked to see the holder be detachable since I wont be using it.
All in all a good product.
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Great stand. Poor bag.
Damasiwa 13.06.2023
This keyboard stand is great. I think I would give it 5 stars on its own. However, the bag it comes in is not designed to be used often. If you are gigging with this you will need to add the price of a stronger carry bag.
Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
Dexterfanf 20.09.2022
They've tweaked the design on these newest stands. The way the feet are locked in place is much better than on the earlier design. Similarly the black paint is more matte now than the early ones which were shiny black. Overall it's a definite improvement.
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