K obsahu stránky

Thomann Polishing Cloth Grey


Polishing Cloth

  • Microfibre
  • Dimensions: 38 x 38 cm
  • Heavy-duty design
  • Colour: Grey
K dostání od Prosinec 2015
Číslo produktu 306602
Prodejní jednotka 1 ks
Set No
Oil No
Polish No
Cleaner No
String Cleaner No
Drapery Yes
Wax No
Instrument All
For Lacquered Instruments 1
Type Mainterrance
For Woodwinds 1
For Brass instrument 1
Packaging quantity 0
Packaging unit Piece
Storlek 0
Zobrazit víc
88 Kč
Cena vč. DPH nezahrnuje poštovné 295 Kč
Na skladě
Na skladě

Tento produkt je na skladě a může být obratem odeslán.

Informace o expedici
Odešleme pravděpodobně do Středa, 12.02.

875 Hodnocení zákazníků

4.8 / 5

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361 Recenze

TrumpetMan99 04.02.2020
Bez problémů, 100% hadr, tož čistí to dobře. Žestě se lesknou.
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Martin SE 28.04.2021
Aj staršia gitara môže vyzerať ako nová.
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google translate gb
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Undoubtedly the best microfiber cloth!
Funeral Musician 06.12.2021
I have probably tried all microfiber polishing cloths, and this one is undoubtedly the best! Whereas the D'Addario microfiber cloth, which was more than twice the price of this one, had such low-quality workmanship that the seams along its edges were already unraveling, this one is made as well as — if not better than — my expensive high-tech hiking clothes! And why do I think that it was not just the luck of the draw? Because I purchased two of them, and they were both flawless. Of course, only time will tell how they are going to hold up, but so far, it seems like a top-shelf microfiber cloth. And in this case, you are not overpaying just because it is sold in a music store because the only microfiber cloth that matches it in quality is a 3M Scotch Brite one that costs almost twice as much. I just wish Thomann made a variant of this cloth in their signature green color.
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google translate gb
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Excellent value... but use selectively!
TK--- 12.09.2016
If you're wondering (as I was) what the difference between this Gray polishing cloth and the Yellow polishing cloth is...

Simply put, there's one little word in the description of the Yellow cloth an it makes all the difference.... "Microfibre".

The yellow cloth doesn't leave a residue... where this gray cloth will leave teeny little bits on whatever you've polished (much like polishing with tissue paper would).
For cleaning fingerprints off lacquer or silver, this cloth does a great job and is better value.... but if you want to wipe down moving parts (valves or slides), you want the yellow one.

I own and use both cloths, I like them both - but they ARE different.
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