#547 Manufacturer Ranking
359 products

About Studio 49

Company Headquarters Germany
Available from us since 1996
Items in stock 232
Ø Availability 76.00% (1 Year)

Studio 49 Musikinstrumentenbau GmbH was founded in 1949 by Klaus Becker-Ehmck. The headquarter of the business Studio 49 Musikinstrumentenbau GmbH is in Gräfelfing (D). The number of employees is 50 (status 2011).

Further brands of Studio 49 Musikinstrumentenbau GmbH besides Studio 49 are Orff-Schulwerk, easycussion as well as Royal Percussion.

From a total of 360 Studio 49 products 244 are directly available . Studio 49 products have been a part of our range for 28 year(s).

To inform our customers in detail about Studio 49 products we currently offer 3430 media, reviews, test reports as well as interesting additional information on our website, for example 2273 pictures, 99 different 360 panoramic views, 118 sound samples and 940 costumers' product reviews.

In our current top seller lists you will find a total of 146 Studio 49 top sellers, among others in the following categories Tenor/Alto Xylophones, Contra Bass Chime Bars, Tenor/Alto Glockenspiels, timbals for Orff, Misc. Percussion, Vibra Slaps and Tenor/Alto Metallophones.

The current top seller is Studio 49 S4 Beater for Xylophone an all time favourite among Studio 49 products is the following item Studio 49 AX 1000 Alto Xylophone. We have sold this over 1.000 times.

Normally Studio 49 grants a 2 year(s) warranty on its products but with our 3-Year Thomann Warranty you are covered for one year more.

We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Studio 49 products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.

You can find more information about the manufacturer on http://www.studio49.de

Studio 49 company logo
Studio 49 company logo
Studio 49 name plate from 1949
Studio 49 name plate from 1949
Studio 49 Historical Instruments
Studio 49 Historical Instruments
Studio 49 RMV 5100 Concert Marimba
Studio 49 RMV 5100 Concert Marimba

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