Oscar Ackermann – Guitar-department

Oscar Ackermann – Guitar-department

Name:Oscar Ackermann
Favourite tune:The Forgotten one by Times of Grace
Favourite record:Volition by Protest the Hero

You may recognize him from our online videos: our Hot Head Oscar who works for our Guitar-department. What this guitarist and singer of a Metalcore-Band likes and does, is briefly explained below…

Hey ho Oscar! First of all: why Thomann?
“I work at Thomann because all my life music has played a huge part, I have been involved with music and musicians almost as long as I can remember, so I have found my perfect spot here.”

What kind of things do you do here?
“I work in the Guitar-department in the shop and in sales of the department.”

Oscar on stage @Thomann-WeihnachtsfeierSales is clear, but what do you exactly mean with “Guitar-department in the shop” – wat does that entail?
“Everything that comes up , from exchanging pickups, to modifying a guitar, to adding a new type of pickup, the setup of acoustic guitars,.. anything at all that one can resolve for the customers right away in the shop without the customer having to leave his guitar behind.”

And what happens when it concerns more complex, lengthy jobs?
“Then the guitar goes to our own on-site service-center, where even more experienced guitar builders work every day. In the shop the main thing is to make sure all the customers are quickly helped out. If there are a lot of customers we do not want to make everyone wait by tackling a long repair on the spot.”

Do you also build your own guitars?Oscar als Dozent beim Event "Erste Hilfe Gitarrenservice"
“Yes, I do build E-Guitars myself, so far I have completed three. At the moment I have so many things to do that I have put all projects on hold, for now.”

Is that not hard and very tempting, to be a guitarist that works at the Guitar-department?
“People at Thomann are constantly tempted and so of course you do think: „This or that guitar would really improve my own collection.“ 😉 What is still missing from my own personal collection, is a good Fender Strat from the Customshop, it does not need to be a Masterbuilt, but I am still trying to decide which one it is going to be.”

Oscar on sta(n)geHow did you decide to also sing popsongs?
“I have always also written more relaxed songs. At the moment these softer songs have my attention because I have noticed people respond to them really well. I do focus on these songs right now, but my heart will always be belong to Metal and my Metalcore-Band. I simply like both kinds of songs. Of course it is also a great balance, first something loud and then after play something more laid back.” 😉

What do you and your band value while on stage?
“My band and I make relatively “intense music”, to match that energy I think it is important that we move a lot and that as a band we give it our all. If we give a full power performance we evoke the same response in the audience.”

Would you like to know more about Oscar? More questions and answers are waiting for you in this Videointerview:

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Vincent started frequenting music shops at age eight. Picking up the Bass and Guitar followed not long after, as did bands. His love for music, from Sixties Pop and Soul to AnarchoPunk and Death Metal has only deepened with the years. He still regularly plays at Jam sessions, from Berlin to Cambodia.

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