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Jag tycker trumman är jättefin och har ett bra ljud. Den är perfekt storlek och rolig att trumma med. Har dock ingen större erfarenhet av trummor så jag kan egentligen inte jämföra. Har också haft den en kort tid så kan heller inte uttala mig om hållbarhet, men tycker den känns kvalitativ.
Anmäl recension
Anmäl recension
Beautiful drum
Stratamannen 13.05.2021
Great value! Very good sound. it is syntetic but feels very natural in your hands. And a little rain will not destroy the tone.
Great quality instrument. I bought it as gift for a friend who uses it for meditation and traditional drumming but I liked the way it sounded so much I borrow it to use on my own recordings to add a bit of oomf to the percussion. Shame it doesn't come with the case though, but all round a good purchase.
I am vegan hence I went for a Remo which I know is well respected for shamanic journeying. I didn't know there was a different in sound between the white & the black version.I had only experience the black before. The white white one is a lighter and higher sound the black one is deeper and has more base.
done deep journeys with either
I wish though the handle was a little more comfortable or mad from more natural material, I help it by putting a litte piece of cloth around it