Daisy chaining all your pedals together is generally a bad idea. that leads only to sorrow in the form of all kinds of buzzing, humming and other kinds of electrical noises. Especially if you chain together digital and analog pedals.
This is why most guitarists with pedal boards eventually buy power supplies with separate insulated power outs. However, often they come with just 8 or maybe even just 4 outlets, which isn't enough to power all your pedals if you have a more extensive board.
While chaining *all* your pedals is a bad idea, chaining *some* of them is usually ok. Meaning, instead of buying several insulated power supplies or a really expensive unit with dozens of outlets, you can expand a more affordable power supply with these kinds of cables.
I have the Harley Benton ISO-1 power supply with 8 outputs. I also have 12 pedals, which means that if I were to use separate outputs for all pedals, I'd run out of outputs in the HB. However, while I have all my digital effects hooked up with dedicated power cables, I have chained some of my analog pedals with these cables. This allows me to power all my pedals with no hum, hiss or noise without also breaking the bank with a huge and expensive power supply with dedicated jacks for all pedals.
I find that these cables work perfectly for that. Highly recommended.