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Millenium MPS-850 E-Drum Set

Get 90 Days of Drumeo Free with Your Thomann Purchase!

Get 90 Days of Drumeo Free with Your Thomann Purchase!

Elevate your drumming experience with an exclusive offer from Thomann and Drumeo! When you purchase this product during the period from 03.12.2024 to 28.02.2025 you will receive a 90-Days Access for Drumeo free of charge on top. After your order has been shipped you will receive the licence key as well as the Download link send to you automatically by Email. The Drumeo access is non-recurring and ends automatically at the end of the period.

Included in your 90-days free:

  • Expert Lessons: Learn from the world’s greatest drummers with step-by-step video instruction, workouts, challenges and courses.
  • Practice Tools: Access a variety of tools designed to help you practice smarter, not harder.
  • 6000+ Drumless Tracks: Play along with your favorite songs, change the tempo, and loop the tricky parts.
  • Community Support: Join a passionate community of drummers who share your love for music.

Complete E-Drum Set

  • 550 Voices
  • 30 Preset Kits
  • 20 User Kits
  • 100 Songs
  • 2 User Songs
  • Quick Record
  • Metronome
  • Equalizer per kit
  • Pitch
  • Reverb
  • Compressor
  • 6 Faders for volume control of individual pads, metronome and songs
  • 2 x 6.3 mm Jack main outputs
  • 1x 6.3 mm Stereo jack headphone output
  • 1x 3.5 mm Stereo jack line input
  • 2x 6.3 mm Stereo jack trigger inputs (already occupied by second crash and fourth tom pad)
  • USB memory
  • MIDI In & Out
  • WAV sample import
  • Required floor space: approx. 140 x 80 cm

Set configuration:

  • 1x 10" Two-zone mesh head snare pad
  • 2x 08" Two-zone mesh head tom pad
  • 2x 10" Two-zone mesh head tom pad
  • 1x 08" Mesh head bass drum pad
  • 2x 12" Two-zone crash cymbal pads with stop function
  • 1x 12" Three-zone ride cymbal pad with stop function
  • 1x 12" Hi-hat pad with controller on stand

Included hardware:

  • Drum rack
  • Hi-Hat machine
  • Foot machine
  • Power supply
  • Wiring
  • 1 Pair of sticks

Note: The life of the bass drum pad's mesh head head is greatly extended by using the black plastic side of the bass drum mallet. The bass drum mallet can be rotated 180 degrees with little effort by loosening the locking screw. Using the felt side, on the other hand, significantly accelerates abrasion and thus possible tearing of the mesh head.

disponibil din Iulie 2018
numărul articolului 428224
unitate de vânzare 1 bucată(ăţi)
Incl. Rack Yes
Incl. Throne No
Incl. Footpedal Yes
Incl. Headphone No
Mesh Head Pads Yes
Pads (Stereo) Yes
Number of Direct Outs 0
2.899 lei
Toate prețurile includ TVA
în stoc
în stoc

Acest produs e disponibil în stoc și poate fi expediat imediat.

Informații despre livrare
Livrare gratuită așteptată între Marţi, 25.02. și Miercuri, 26.02.
se uita la acest produs
Nivel de vânzări
în Seturi de Tobe Electronice

1560 Evaluările clienților

4.5 / 5

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1017 Recenzii

Cea mai buna alegere!
Robert Murariu 06.03.2019
Am achizitionat aceasta baterie de aproximativ doua saptamani. Am instalat kitul si tot ce pot sa spun este ca este cea mai portivita alegere. Raportul calitate/pret este al acestei baterii nu are concurenta. Toate partile componente sunt de calitate, se instaleaza usor iar sunetele continute de modul sunt mai mult decat ok.

Am achizitionat in plus pe langa Millenium MPS-850 e-drum set si 1x Millenium PD-222 Pro Series BD Pedal, 1x Triggera D14 14" China Cymbal Pad,1x Millenium DB-115,Millenium MPS-500/750 Cymbal Clamp, 1x Cordial CFY 0,3 KPP,1x Cordial CFU 3 PP si Millenium DM-30 Drum Monitor. Millenium DM-30 Drum Monitor suna impecabil: atat sunetul bateriei cat si sunetul dat prin intrarea auxiliara (mp3 player/laptop etc) iar celeleate componente sunt calitativ peste asteptari.

Pentru ca modulul nu are alta iesire pentru un cinel/tom am gasit o solutie pentru a putea folosi Triggera D14 14" China Cymbal Pad. Cum am procedat : cablul de la tomul 4 (fiind stereo, deoarece fiecare pad este dual zone) l-am pus intr-un spliter ( Cordial CFY 0,3 KPP) dupa care un cablul din acel spliter l-am pus in tomul 4 (left) iar celalalt (dreapta) l-am pus in China Cymbal Pad. Am asignat in modul pe kit-ul user mode 31 sunetul de china pe China Cymbal Pad si gata. Functioneaza perfect ! Daca vreti mai multe detalii puteti scrie pe
Multumesc echipei drum Thomann pentru profesionalismul de care au dat dovada in livrarea atat a echipamentelor dar si a suportului oferit la toate intrebarile pe care le-am adresat.
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Excelente la acest preț!
studioLau 10.01.2022
Sunt foarte mulțumit! Au sunet bun, sensibilitate bună, acel "real feeling".

Suntele din modul sunt bune, pot fi mixate. Funcționează foarte bine și cu VST-uri. Le-am conectat prin USB la computer, și merg foarte bine cu Superior Drummer de exemplu; sună chiar mai bine cu VST :) Practic, conectate la VST ai sunet profesional 100%, fie în studio, fie live. Dar, chiar fără VST, sunetul lor din modul este foarte bune.

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Still on of the best budget sets
EkE-47 10.08.2024
Coming from an acoustic kit, I had a hard time adjusting. The build quality is solid and it is pretty easy to set up. Like all budget digital kits, the sound is...not good. I haven't try inputting custom samples through a VST software yet, but that should improve the sound by a lot. I really wanted an actual high-hat stand, which this kit offers. However, it is really not that sensitive. The only 2 positions it detects are closed and open, you cannot really play with it dynamically. I would have also liked more options of arranging your cymbals, but it also does the job like it is. It is also pretty funky to hit the correct sensors for the bell of the ride, not in the good way. Overall, this kit offers you the opportunity to really practice your technique. However, when it comes to practicing your musically, it can't really do that. Also, as a side note, if you don't REALLY need the extra floor tom and cymbal I would advise you to get the 750x.
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irondark 11.08.2021
hit hat have big bug ,,in rest no problem
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