Evästeidemme avulla haluamme tarjota sinulle parhaan mahdollisen ostokokemuksen kaikkine siihen liittyvine yksityiskohtineen. Tähän kuuluvat esimerkiksi sopivat tarjoukset, personoidut mainokset ja mieltymysten tallentaminen. Jos tämä sopii sinulle, hyväksy vain evästeiden käyttö tilastoja ja markkinointia varten klikkaamalla ”Selvä!”. (täällä). Voit peruuttaa suostumuksesi milloin tahansa evästeasetusten kautta (täältä).
Sinun pitää kirjatua sisään, jotta voit arvostella tuotteita.
Huomio: jotta vältymme kuulopuheisiin, epätäydelliseen tietoon tai mainontaan perustuvia arvosteluja, niitä saa tehdä vain asiakas, joka on tuotteen meiltä ostanut.
Sisäänkirjautumisen jälkeen löydät kaikki arvosteltavat tuotteet kohdasta “Arvostele tuotteita” asiakastililtäsi.
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Expensive for a cab but good quality
TERD 23.09.2022
Why spend this much money on a tone cap? After all, any signal that passes through the cap is going straight to ground and will never affect your TONE.
The answer if of course TOLERANCE. And that's the ONLY reason. With cheaper caps the tolerance can loose enough that you won't know what you're actually getting. In some cases a ".022" cap may actually have higher value than a ".047". With these Orange Drops you will at least know what you're installing in your guitar. Apart from that they're no better than any other caps. You can of course find cheaper caps with tight tolerances but if you only need ONE it's hardly worth the hassle of sourcing caps from elsewhere. Drop one of these into the shopping cart and you're good.
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Great replacement and/or upgrade
ilikeinstruments 20.03.2022
I've feel in love with these, bigger than most of the factory ones, but not has big as a full 600v one, meaning you can still have the looks, and most importantly, the tone, without having to struggle to fit them in smaller electronics cavities.
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4TuneMan 27.10.2022
Since over 20 years I am using those capacitors. There are probably better ones, but those are multiple times more expensive. Also, I, personally, cannot hear difference in sound. But many years of playing and recording could damage my hearing :-)
No, seriously. Those are probably THE best capacitors for guitars. Perfect balance of price and quality.
Valitettavasti tapahtui virhe. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen.
I like Oranges...
Small Shed Luthier 17.01.2022
If you have those capacitors made in Asia in your guitar, this is deffinetly a must have.
It's not that the others are necessarily bad ( sometimes you get an "interesting" tone that you can use ), but these are really good and you will notice it in your tone and in the useability of your tone pots.
Good for replacement and I deffinetly use them on scratch builds.