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Valitettavasti tapahtui virhe. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen.
Multi-Effect Pedal for Electric Guitar
Greg Koch Signature Model
The ultimate range of effects to inspire and embellish Greg's musical process
100% handmade analogue circuit
Unique features: integration of Greg's Gristle King Overdrive, second delay unit with Delay Llama MKII for Greg's always on Slapback, possible tap synchronisation for Delay Llama XTREME and Harmonious Monk
The signal chain consists of Whacko (Wah Wah), Retrovibe, Gristle King, Eureka! (Fuzz), Lucydreamer (Overdrive), Send/Return Loop, Boomster, Waterfall (Chorus), Harmonius Monk (Tremolo) Delay Llama MKII and Delay Llama XTREME (2x Delay)
Power supply connection: Barrel connector 5.5 x 2.1 mm, centre negative
Current consumption: 750 mA
Power supply with a 12 V DC mains adapter
True Bypass
LED: 2x Tap, 11x Effect On
Footswitch: Effect Bypass
Dimensions (W x D x H): 540 x 250 x 88 mm
Weight: 3700 g
Includes power supply, custom gig bag and optional Plexiglas guides with labelled controls
Handmade in Greece
Delay Llama XTREME: Time, Repeats & Level
Delay Llama: Time, Level & Repeats
Harmonious Monk: Depth, Speed, Level, Mix
Waterfall: Depth Speed
Boomster: Level
Lucydreamer: Level, Mix, Tone, Gain
Eureka!: Level, Tone, Gain
Gristle King: Gristle, Gravity, Tone, More
Retrovibe: Depth, Speed
Whacko: Sweep
Delay Llama XTREME: Tempo Division, Kill Dry, Trails, Sync