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Superlux HD 381


In-ear hi-fi earphones

  • Dynamic driver with 13.5 mm
  • Impedance 16 Ohm
  • Sensitivity 103 dB
  • Frequency band 20 - 20,000 Hz
  • Cable length 60 cm with stereo jack 3.5 mm
  • Additional ear pieces
  • Incl. Extension cable (60 cm) and cable clip
  • Colour: Black
Fås siden December 2010
Artikelnummer 256180
salgsenhed 1 stk
Design In-Ear
System CLosed Back
Impedance 16 Ohms
Frequency range 20 Hz – 20000 Hz
Adapter No
Replacable Cable No
Marrone/Argento Black
Number of Ways 1
Colour Black
Number of Drivers 1
Cable Length 120
Sensitivity 103 dB
Type Of Connector Mini Jack
Earmold possible No
Weight 12 g
HiFi 1
Application HiFi
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151 kr
Inkl. moms. Obs! Yderligere fragtomkostninger 60 kr
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Forventet levering mellem onsdag, 18.09. og torsdag, 19.09.

321 Kundebedømmelser

4 / 5

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168 Anmeldelser

Gode høretelefoner til billige penge
223anders 21.06.2017
Rigtig gode høretelfoner til ingen penge. Købte den som hverdags høretelefoner da mine gamle gik i stykker men de lyder så godt at jeg til tider også bruger dem til at lave musik med. De sidder godt i øret og isolere fint lyd. Dog føles de meget billige men hvad kan man forvente når de er så billige.
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Good sound
Jørg 11.04.2024
Sound and isolation are both good, the cable is to thin for IEM though, plus that the extension isn’t comfortable on the back under a t-shirt either.
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google translate gb
Der opstod en fejl. Prøv igen senere.
5 stars
Anonym 18.09.2016
For the price, omg!

The design is weird, but it is super practical and it doesnt slip out of your ear easily by jackets or anything relative to nipping the chord.

The sound quality is way above expected! As always superlux delivers most bang for the buck experience. I bought these as a gift, and i tried them for 20minutes, going back to my studiomonitors or regular cellphoneearplugs was very deppressing, the colorisation and dynamic is very good!
Some music styles it doesnt give good coloring, but could sound a bit harsh, or hard...but thats the only downside i could find, and that could pretty much be the music production itself.

CONS......theres one, the chord was very short, and it came with a split plug jack, i dont know why or what function, but it could actually be a very good thing, because you could just unplug it, snap it through your tshirt or bag, and still have the earbuds in your ear...or even listen to someoneelses phone and just plug in :) Its also possible to have y connector and split into 2 people :) I will be most definately buy one of these for myself..id like to see these with microphone so that its compatible with cellphone as a handsfree. Highly reccommend these for music, running, workouts, gardening...whatever!
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google translate gb
Der opstod en fejl. Prøv igen senere.
Great value for money. Superlux rulez!
LoTone 17.08.2014
I love head- and earphones and own a lot of them. After all the recommendations I had to try these tiny inexpensive in ear phones. And like their brothers, the flat frequency response models, they are just great. They have a lot of details, a rich bass that's perhaps too boomy for some listeners and quite a good stage. Compared to other in ears I know (like Sennheiser or Shure) they are on the same level regarding the sound. Build quality is okay... like other hi-fi-ear-phones. The Shures for professional in-ear-monitoring purpose are ruggedly designed, but they cost five times as much. I will handle the Superlux with care and believe they will last long enough for that price.
I think these are great earphones especially for that price! Give them a try if you like a good dose of bass, otherwise try their brothers, the F-model, which has a more cleaned up low end.
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