Quiz – Which brass instrument are you?

Quiz – Which brass instrument are you?

This #KissMyBrass quiz is all about that brass… Find out which brass instrument you are most akin to in their symphony of personalities…

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Lawrence started playing the electric guitar because of his passion for rock music. Back in the day he played in a metal band, but now plays more for himself.


    i got trumpet put i play the tuba and like it more

    Cool! I got the ugly french horn. Tubas look heavy. It has a low pith. I don’t like it. I’ve never even liked brass instruments but i took this quiz because i am a curios person. My email is catronnie123@gmail.com.

    Hahahaha I got French Horn and actually am learning to play it. Do you ever stop learning?

    yay! I got french horn

    I got trombone and that’s the instrument I’m learning

    I got trombone and I’m so good at it but this quiz is weird like comparing yourself to a brass instrument?

    I got tuba but I play trumpet

    I got tuba but I play euph, close enough

    im am very sorry for what i have said in the past os pkleas forgive and forget because it is women history and I love women and I only beat women on every other month for POUPOULATION CONTROL SO GIVE ME A BREAKE xoxo Jhon Banasda

    I got trumpet and then i jumped off a building in disappointment and then drank a jar of pickles

    hellloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i got tubaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    I got french horn even though I’m a two year low brass player(tuba, trombone)

    I got french horn and I play French horn so yay😋👍

    I got trombone and I play bass trombone :/

    i got trombone so yay! i play trombone and trumpet so im not that dissapointed.

    I got the Tuba, and I even play the Tuba! I recommend if you don’t play an instrument, try playing the Tuba!

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