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Good budget DMX cables.
Anonim 21.01.2017
These cables do the job and transmission occurs without errors.
The cable itself is of reasonable quality with foil and braid shields. The soldering of the connector looks clean and tidy and pins 2 & 3 have heatshrink over the soldering points which shows an attention to detail beyond their budget price.
The only issue is the connectors - namely because they are in line with the budget pricing - at this price point it would be unreasonable expect Neutrik which (each) cost almost as much as this entire product.
So the places the connector is less than great - the screw thread for the cover can get damaged - the connector is in the usual two parts - the main body is metal, and the rest of it is metal with a flexible rubber strain relief. This means the screw thread is not plastic to metal but metal to metal - this can be where issues can arise. Additionally the strain relief just ends in a hole rather than a more supportive "boot".
That said - you can't expect more for the price and in practice it doesnt make much difference - if you are using the cable such that the strain relief or connector is an issue you may need to look at another product - if you are more conservative with your use and do not abuse you cables then these will work very well for you and will quite happily gig without failure.