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Anonim 30.12.2016
Initially we bought a few of these for a single event after establishing many of our mic cables didn?t do DMX reliably.
We found these coiled just as well, and worked just as well as a much more expensive competitor?s product. Our main reservation is that the connectors aren?t top of the range, but at the price we can afford to carry many many spares, so we do.
We liked them so much we bought a lot of them in different sizes.
Even at minimum wage we can?t make DMX cables this cheap and I am not entirely sure we can repair the shorter ones for less than they cost.
Be careful with this particular super wee cable, the connectors are counted as part of the length. If your DMX in / outs are more than a foot apart they won't reach.
Great for pixel batten grids & extending a longer cable which is just that tiny bit too short or when the LD decides a fixture just has to be moved 8 inches to the left