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It is dirt cheap but very well built, with nice sounds. The material is smooth and sturdy, has a good feel in the hand. You can't choose the colour but I got the blue one I wanted anyway, yay. Throw one in with your next order, it's fun.
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Loud & Clear Eggshakers, good for general music practicioners.
InJune 06.04.2022
Basic eggshakers in neutral colors. Those getting for young kids, do note. Joint-lines not smooth on eggshakers, for the little hands. Great for general music practitioners, for its loud & clear sound. Bought 5, (3 Browns, 1 Black, 1 Green)
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Excellent quality and a fair price
Marcopolo 31.05.2018
For under a £1 each I wasn't eggs-pecting a lot, but then it's not a lot to shell out either...ha ha! Sorry, I won't "crack" any more egg jokes.
I ordered two of these with my last guitar order and they are well made with a solid and dense feel to them. They sit well in the hand and you can experiment getting different sounds depending on how you hold them (cupped in the hand or just held by finger tips) and pattern and velocity of the shaking. Great for adding percussion to live playing or just playing around with.