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Great fun for the kids to 'mess' around musically
Anonim 14.03.2017
I saw a few videos of these with school kids using them to learn music, and the Thomann video is also very good to get an understanding of them. I think they are a great idea, also the colour coding to be able to tell the player which to one hit.
It sounds very cheesy, but we have had great fun as a family playing some tunes together with everyone having their own coupe of notes....... but it really is fun, trust me.
What we have found is that later on when the kids have had enough and they start hitting each other with them...... at least it is being musically!
Din păcate a intervenit o eroare. Vă rugăm încercați din nou mai târziu.
Good accessorie for class teaching
Anonim 12.03.2016
I've been using the boomwhacker for teaching children in elementary school. Its a good accessorie for learning the basics of music and its elements (intervals/tones/sounds...). Kids really enjoy using and learning along with the boomwhackers.