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Din păcate a intervenit o eroare. Vă rugăm încercați din nou mai târziu.
A great beginners choice and looks great too!
aosully 18.01.2023
This is our first keyboard for total noobs to learn the piano. We needed something with a real minimal footprint to fit in our space and this fits the bill while looking great too.
The keys feel amazing as well I can't tell the difference between this and a piano although I am a complete beginner.
Sound is not very loud even at the loudest volume but this is to be expected. Not a requirement for practicing for us so all good. Having a 3.5mm headphone jack is super handy also
Din păcate a intervenit o eroare. Vă rugăm încercați din nou mai târziu.
Traumhobby 03.01.2024
Preis/Leistung als Anfänger E-Piano Top.
Sicher verpackt angekommen. Aufbau gemäß Anleitung gut erklärt. Gute Verarbeitung. Bedienung gut. Klang gut. Gewicht mit nur 10.5kg eher leicht, falls man das E-Piano mal mitnehmen möchte. Alles in allem ein gelungenes Anfängermodell.