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People forgive, MT7's dont!
Andreas101 04.09.2021
These closed back cans they will tell you lots of things! They reveal many things in EQ work and they are super comfy. Obviously the comfiness is tiring after a while and for someone like me; my ears start to sweat after a while, so breaks are a necessity; but that's not the headphone's fault.
Except that, I know that there are people that say that you hear the squeaky plastic which is quite true, but its not something that bothers me as it happens rarely and i have to move my head around.
Otherwise, these have proved to be a game changer for me as tracking and some mixing work has became easier in the context that these revealed things that with other ways couldn't have been audible!
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
AGIS 26.08.2019
Comfortable headphones, nice look, good quality sound - you can hear a lot of details BUT.... you may also notice the mechanical noises of the metal articuladet bases (L-R) and as a result they transmmite that noise with gain to the external plastic caps
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Yamaha HPH-MT7 White
Theocharis 10.06.2024
These headphones are amazing If you know the purpose which are made. They are extremely clean and flat , revealing low and hi frequencies who destroying your mixes . They are made for studio mixing and mastering , If you want just to enjoy listening music this model isn't for you . The order came quickly and the package was in a perfect condition !