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Orange PPC112


Cabinet per chitarra

  • 60 W
  • Configurazione: 1 altoparlante Celestion vintage 30 da 12"
  • 16 Ohm
  • Alloggiamento robusto
  • Cassa in legno compensato massello di betulla
  • Da utilizzare, ad esempio, con Tiny Terror
  • Dimensioni (L x P x A): 550 x 290 x 460 mm
  • Peso: 15 kg
In catalogo dal Dicembre 2006
Numero di articolo 180726
Unità incluse 1 Pezzo
€ 419
Spedizione gratuita, incl. IVA
Disponibile entro 2-3 settimane
Disponibile entro 2-3 settimane

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213 Valutazioni dei clienti

4.8 / 5

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111 Recensioni

Piccola ma veramente potente
ocra 27.12.2018
Acquistata per avere a portata di mano una cassa pratica e semplice da trasportare. La utilizzo tranquillamente per suonare dal rock ai generi più vicini al metal senza problemi. Il suono è molto più grande di quello che ci si aspetta da una 1x12 e la qualità costruttiva è davvero solida, tipicamente orange. Ho casse di diverse dimensioni sia orange sia di altre marche e, ripeto, le sue ridotte dimensioni, non fan perdere nulla in termini di suono e di praticità e la fanno diventare una cassa con la quale si può andare sul sicuro ad occhi chiusi in qualsiasi situazione, dalla sala prove al palco.
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A nice companion to Orange heads
Konstantin871 04.06.2013
This cab was purchased to become a companion to my Orange Dark Terror. As I received the cab I was really impressed with the build quality. The cab weighs about 15 kg and is very sturdy and well put together. When I plugged this speaker in I was really disappointed and immediately wanted to go back to my old speaker. The speaker had really harsh highs and was kind of nasally in the mids (well, it has a Vintage 30 in it, it's supposed to be quite middy) and the sound character was constantly changing as I was playing. But don't let this deceive you and write the cab off as a piece of garbage. If you read online about guitar speakers (especially new ones) you'll read about something called speaker "break in". My previous cab was about 10 years old (long broken in) and I really didn't remember what kind of stages a speaker goes through during break in time. I researched various break in techniques and one of them was simple: play clean, pretty loud but not painful for 10-15 minutes, use your mid switch position and it should take care of about 90% break it characteristics. And it worked. A week after I got the cab, the constant tonal changes seized and the speaker settled at its final character. The highs smoothed out, the mids are not nasally anymore and the lows are just great. I use this cab along with the Dark Terror for old school thrash and I'm not disappointed at all. The speaker gives you very focused lows on those palm mutes. Every note is distinct even at fast tempos and the leads just sound mind blowing. I am very happy with the cab now. If you get this cab, before you pass final judgements, play through it, let the cone move and I guarantee you that after the initial break it you won't be be able to go any other speaker.
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Perfect 1x12 cab
VinceJanssen 02.04.2018
I use this cabinet mainly for band practice and gigging, and it's never let me down. It's lightweight and sounds great.

The sound is bigger and louder then you might expect for it's size. It's easily loud enough for band practice with a loud drummer. I play in a blues band, and it's got enough punch for the most dynamic of solo's. It's also very practical in a live setting, since guitar amps get miced most times anyway. I personally use it as a monitor, which works perfect for any size stage.

My main amps are the CR120 Head (also by orange), and the peavey classic 20 mh, both sound huge through this cab, both at low and high volumes.
Even though this cab is rated at 60 watts, it's a killer combination with my 120 watt orange head. The vintage 30 is a very loud speaker, so i'll never have to turn the amp up past 1/3 on the master (which is already in gigging territory volume wise), which should not hurt the cab at all.

Also, it looks awesome, but hey, it's a real orange so yeah ;)

I would recommend this cab to anyone looking for a loud, great sounding, compact and leightweight 1x12 cab.
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Awesome colour, awesome cab
stillcoldair 13.10.2017
I bought this cab for live use and recording in a post rock/metal band. I'm blown away by the build quality and sound of this cab. I had considered buying a 2X12 or even 4X12 but decided to go with this for added portability reasoning that I could buy a second to expand my rig later. Honestly I have used this live several times and it creates a massive sound when paired with any amp I have tried.

The closed back design gives the extra bass I needed for my style of metal and rock. Other than that there are really no features to speak of. Solid design, it has a decent weight to it and feels like it will hold up to decades on the road.

I will be buying a second for myself to build a bigger rig and I would recommend this cab to anyone looking for a solid rock or metal cab.
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