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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Exactly what you hope for
fischek 03.10.2023
I was expecting it to be the perfect Jarre sound machine, but didn't really see much videos of that online, so I was wondering. Turns out it's exactly what I need and hoped for. I am now playing most of Equinoxe and switching to Oxygene soon. :)
The build quality is great and I love the fact that it was built to be put on a synth that is at an angle and doesn't fall off.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
MagnusX 19.11.2024
I have been searching for this perticular string sound since the 80´s!
The Behringer solina string ensemble produce that retro futuristic sound! It is a simple and intuitive instument, it can do very few things but what it can do, it does really well. The sound is thick with analogue warmth and with the modulation and phaser in play this thing takes you on a journey deep into space. If you are looking for a crisp and super clear sound this is not for you, but if you are looking for a true and a little bit gritty 70´s analogue string sound this is it! I´ve played it via midi from vintage synths and some midi keyboards without any problems, sending midi to and from it with Logic Pro X works fine too.