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Has been used for over 65 years by leading manufacturers of the woodworking industry, crafts people, and especially in the workshops of musical instrument makers.
Ideal for soft- and hardwoods as well as porous materials
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I'm using this glue for years now for building set-neck guitars. I also did a couple of repairs with it and it binds as if the wood was one solid piece.
Since it solves in water, it doesn't leave stains and it is easily cleaned but you will need to use a finish to seal the bond.
Titebond has always been really good in my eyes. I wasn?t hesitating to buy this glue because it looks good in general and the lid/top is really comfortable for use when repairing fretboards, cracks or glueing a top or 2 pieces of wood together. I tried normal wood glue from the Gamma but it?s not as thick and sticky as Titebond. I would recommend this glue to guitar builders and also casual players! Cheers.
I use this to plug in screw holes in my guitars using dowels. So far I have not found a single flaw in it and also have not found a better product for the small luthier tasks that I perform occasionally.