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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Strikes the right balance between protection, weight and cost
morganskeys 08.06.2022
Light but sturdy and with a forgiving leather handle. The foam is carefully molded to the unusual Super 6 contours, including provision for the overhanging keys. The snug fit and absence of a hand cut-away means you can't just reach in and grab it, but I'm OK with that. One thing to note is that there's no recess for power cables etc, but that does help keep everything compact, which is much more important to me. Overall, highly recommended for anyone wanting to confidently and comfortably get out-and-about with their Super 6.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Allgemein gutes Case.
user86751 28.04.2023
Super Verarbeitung.
Das Keyboard ist im Koffer nicht spielbar. Hab erwartet, dass es gleich ist wie der Koffer vom Hydrasynth wo man den Deckel wegnehmen kann und das Keyboard spielen. Verbesserungsvorschlag an Thomann: irgendwie ersichtlich kennzeichnen ob es im Case spielbar ist oder nicht.