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I case Thon sono sempre una certezza , io ne ho tre compreso questo, e se me ne servirà un altro comprerò un altro case Thon perchè superano sempre le mie aspettative
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Good - with reservations
Mark DG 08.03.2024
On the whole, a good flightcase. Two BIG negatives though:
1. Whilst the foam on the lid is shaped such that it ONLY protects the mixer if the lid is fitted in the correct orientation, the positioning of the butterfly clips the same distance from the edge of the case all around means the lid can be physically fitted the wrong way round, and you only notice when the mixer is moving round inside the case. Some big FRONT and REAR labels have sorted it for us - but someone in our team *still* managed to fit it back to front. It would be far better to manufacture it so it's physically impossible to fit wrongly
- the two foam pads in the front corners of the case lid (which keep the front of the mixer in position) are too wide - so if you put the mixer in the case with all the faders down at minimum (as I usually would), the foam pads press down on the faders. NOT GOOD. I've had to cut away some of the pad to stop it
Two very dull, easily resolvable issues that shouldn't have made it to manufacture