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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Anonimo 20.06.2016
The china is very bad to be honest, replaced it fairly quickly as I couldn't stand the tinny, clang-y sound it made. Since purchased 3 different chinas and none of them sound like this, but I did spend a lot more on them. I really would recommend saving up for something a bit better.
The splash isn't great, not very loud and mine broke fairly quickly (the bell shattered. I do play metal and hit fairly hard, but this is the only instance where this happened.)
I've bought other cymbals that were cheap, some good some not so good, but in this instance I would definitely say spend a bit more on a good china/splash.
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PAiSTE PST3 Effects Pack Set
Philip1400 18.01.2015
The PAiSTE PST3 Effects Pack Set comes equipped with a PST3 Class 10" Splash and an 18" China which sound dazzling. The 10” splash has a bright and clean sound. It also gives a balanced feel with an explosive fast fading trashy vibrant sound. On the other hand the 18” China gives a direct fairly dark and trashy sound. Not the best by any means but I would say the best in this price range.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Cymballes china et splash de Paiste
Joel 68 09.06.2011
Je suis très satisfait de ce China 18". Le son est vraiment typique china, bien fort et d'une claireté parfaite. D'une vue optique cette cymballe china est très belle, la couleur le finish vraiment top. Si on veux un bon china pour peu d'argent c'est l'article que vous cherchez. Je ne peux pas citer de point négativ, c'est vraiment du bon materiel.
Le splash 10" est aussi satisfaisant, ce qui me manque au niveau du son, c'est la résonance. Le son est très clair et haut, mais ne résonne pas trop lontemps. En conclusion c'est du bon matériel, satisfaisant au niveau du son, bonne qualitée pour le prix. Je ne peux que conseiller ce produit.