#430 Manufacturer Ranking
46 products

About K&K

Company Headquarters United States
Available from us since 1999
Items in stock 45
Ø Availability 95.86% (1 Year)

The business K&K Sound Systems, Inc. was founded in 1984 by Dieter & Karla Kaudel. The main office of the business K&K Sound Systems, Inc. is in Coos Bay, OR (USA). According to official records a total of 19 members of staff are working for business K&K (status 2011). The German office is business GEWA music GmbH in Adorf (D).

K&K products are exclusively manufactured in factories in United States.

At the moment we have 46 K&K products - 45 of them are . K&K has been a part of our range since 1999.

To inform our customers as best we can about K&K products, you will find a total of 1464 media, reviews and test reports on K&K products on our website - among them the following 336 pictures, 31 different 360 zoom images, 8 sample sounds and 1089 customer reviews.

Among our top sellers there are 30 K&K products at the moment e.g. in the following product categories Miscellaneous Transducers for Acoustic Guitars, Double Bass Pickups, Preamps for Acoustic Guitars, Magnetic Pickups for Acoustic Guitars, Pickups for Folklore Instruments, Double Bass Amps and Combos and Preamps and Effects for Folk Instruments.

Current top seller and all time favourite is the following product K&K Pure Mini (Pure Western Mini). We have sold already over 5.000 of this product.

The product availability of K&K is at 96% which is significantly higher than the average brand. A total of 45 products are currently available and can be shipped immediately.

Famous musicians who use K&K are Aaron Meyer , Al Webster , an Lafleur, Alex Davis, Anoushka Shankar , Athy Arpista , Barry Abernathy , Bill Molenhof , Bobby Reed and Bradley Thomas amongst others.

We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for K&K products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.

You can find more information about the manufacturer on http://www.kksound.com

K&K company logo
K&K company logo
K&K Bass Master Rockabilly Plus System
K&K Bass Master Rockabilly Plus System

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