What would these Star Wars characters buy at Thomann?

What would these Star Wars characters buy at Thomann?

If you like to cosplay hard and you like to let the character take over your body & soul you may find this shopping guide interesting. Without spoiling too much: It’s related to Star Wars and a fantastic music shop in a galaxy far, far away (Treppendorf, Germany)… ?


Darth Vader

Everybody knows that Darth Vader has some voice issues. It’s nothing that can’t be fixed! What he needs is the WegoForm oil to be able to project his voice from the Death Star to the whole galaxy.

WegoForm Singer's Oil

WegoForm Singer’s Oil



Although he is a master of Jedi powers, Yoda’s got some bad dyslexia! Having him in the band is magic and wonderful, but with this orchestra music stand he will never mix up the order of the lyrics again…

Thomann Orchestra Music Stand

Thomann Orchestra Music Stand


Han Solo

Well you know, he’s a classic. Han is the only one prepared to ride (a) Solo with the Falcon.

Gretsch G6136CST White Falcon USA

Gretsch G6136CST White Falcon USA



This analog Kick generator from Korg will be R2-D2’s new best friend. He can sync all his beeps, bloops, blops and boops with awesome kicks. It also works with batteries, so he can jam anywhere in the whole galaxy.

Korg Volca Kick

Korg Volca Kick


Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes


The guys of the Cantina band would go directly to the brass department and they would surely be fascinated by the Roland Aerophone AE-10 and the Otamatone Techno, two wind instrument from outer space…

Boba Fett

Who would love a clone amp head like this Kemper more than Boba Fett? I can’t think of anyone else. After all, he is a headhunter and a clone and he would do anything to achieve the sound he wants. Clones recognize clones!

Kemper Profiling Amplifier Power Rack

Kemper Profiling Amplifier Power Rack


Jar Jar Binks


There are unnecesary things in life. Jar Jar Binks is one of them. Nose flutes are another one. He doesn’t deserve anything else…

Thomann Nose Flute

Thomann Nose Flute





This classy Thomann Grand Fifty C-Tuba matches perfectly with C-3PO looks. It would be frustrating for him to play this big tuba without lungs but he would look awesome on stage and in the band photos!

Thomann Grand Fifty C-Tuba

Thomann Grand Fifty C-Tuba



Chewie is the best copilot in the galaxy, a fantastic laser wielder and a stormtrooper ass-kicker! But with this Cameo WOOKIE 400 RGB Animation Laser he also can be the best party mate in the Millennium Falcon. Also, as he is a low tone growler, he would love to jam and make some bass growl with this Markbass CMD 102P, like a good hairy doom metalhead.


Obi-Wan Kenobi

As a good Jedi, Obi-Wan would love to play an instrument that doesn’t need to be in physical contact with. This Moog Etherwave Theremin would make any Jedi happy. There is also a model in black, for those Jedis who are attracted by the dark side.

Want to join the force? Do you feel Jedi enough? 

Or why not just take a musical trip to outer space with this gear from a galaxy far, far away?

? May the force be with you ?

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