#634 Manufacturer Ranking
17 products

About Magix

Company Headquarters Germany
Available from us since 1997
Items in stock 17
Ø Availability 98.70% (1 Year)

The company MAGIX Software GmbH was founded in the year 1993. The headquarter of the company MAGIX Software GmbH is in Berlin (D). company employs according to their own data 274 members of staff (status 2016).

You can find 17 Magix products at Thomann 17 of them are ready for dispatch . Thomann has been selling Magix products since 1997.

In our current top seller lists you will find a total of 7 Magix top sellers, among others in the following categories Mastering / Editor Software and Video and Graphics Software.

The product availability of Magix is at 99% which is significantly higher than the average brand. 17 Magix products are in stock with us at the moment and can be shipped immediately or can be tested in our shop.

You can find more information about the manufacturer on http://www.magix.com

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