Instrument Categories Defined

Instrument Categories Defined

If you are looking for the right instrument for your kids, it can be helpful to distinguish properly between the instrument families. Maybe you have a generic term in your head, maybe you’re of a wind instrument or a stringed instrument. But which one? If you have an overview of instrument categories and their family […]

10 musicians who left bands before they got famous

10 musicians who left bands before they got famous

Some musicians decided to leave or were kicked out of bands right before they got super famous, here is a short list of examples…

My 1st instrument: Where and how to learn properly

My 1st instrument: Where and how to learn properly

So many options for learning music these days… Which one suits your lifestyle best? This article may give you some direction…

Wacken: Slum band “Doch Chkae” from Cambodia in action

Wacken: Slum band “Doch Chkae” from Cambodia in action

The death metal band “Doch Chkae” is allowed to enter Germany for the Wacken Open Air 2019 festival. How did they do it? Read on…