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Köpte caset för att stoppa i min 1he synhtmodul och den gör jobbet som man kan förvänta sig. Eftersom jag bara använder 1he av 2 så blir det gott om plats att förvara kablar och diverse småutrustning som tillhör. Caset har inte fått genomlida allt för stora påfrestningar då vi bara giggar 5-10 ggr per år. Plasten och låsanordningarna verkar stabila. Däremot är jag lite missnöjd med handtagen då ett av dom lossnat i ena upphängningen. Det kanske bara var ett måndagsexemplar och jag hade otur. Det gick i alla fall att laga enkelt genom att trycka dit det igen. Ett billigt och bra case som funkar hur bra som helst.
Anmäl recension
Anmäl recension
Ruggigt tålig!
ZimeX 28.11.2014
Passade perfekt till Hartke LH 500.
Enkel att använda
Bra kvalitet
Mycket bra kvalitet på butterfly låsen.
Enkel att bära med sköna handtag.
Inte ett dugg skev så locken passar lika varje gång.
Anmäl recension
Anmäl recension
Ok case
Chrisnt 05.05.2017
Case is great and lightweight. There is however a panel that falls of as you try to screw equipement on. I had to use tape to hold it in place to that one screw went through and then it is fine.
I currently use this for my AXEFX2 preamp and effects processor which it fits perfectly. I have use this to protect it whilst i carry it to gigs and whilst i was studying my degree in london i used to carry it on the train.
The case definitely offers great protection for whatever is inside. My friend also had one of these and recommended it to me as he uses his for his interfaces when he records drums.
The case is kind of heavy. Not too heavy but enough to add some weight. the handles become quite uncomfortable after more than 5 minutes holding them and I usually have to wear gloves when carry it because my hands get tired. More than once i have had a long walk to a gig from a train station with a Guitar in one hand and this case in the other and by the time i arrive my hands have gone to sleep and i can't play very well.
I would suggest getting a trolley of some kind to strap this onto. It will protect your equipment just fine whilst also saving your hands from exhaustion.
After a couple of years on of the latches on mine has become loose. I have no idea how to fix this and as a result the front panel randomly decides to pop off. I may have replace the case at some point but i don't gig enough to justify this at the moment (especially now that i drive most places).
It fits more standard rack gear and the actual quality of the plastic i cannot flaw. you can also attach padlocks to you hinges to stop anyone opening it but you will need 4 for the whole case. It's a good case! Just after years of using it i think it has gotten a bit worn out.
Good quality
Offers great protection
Handel Hurts
Loose clasps make the panels fall off
If you need something ASAP i would say get this but you may want to look at other options for a more reliable case