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Beautiful domestic electric piano
PauloMuso 08.12.2020
Bought this for my daughter who is learning piano and had already reached a fair standard. It is a wonderful quality electric piano with some gorgeous extra sounds for playing with when needed. You have to be a bit gentle attaching the pedals and wire at the bottom, so not to break it. And it's better kept in one place. Not so easy to move once it's all fixed to the cabinet. But once installed it's a solid, nice feeling keyboard and great sound.
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Very nice digital piano for beginners
aldm 13.12.2020
I'm not an experienced piano player, but as a beginner I like it very much. I'm using it for few weeks so my experience is based on this short timeframe.
Sound is much better then cheap chineese keyboards. Build quality, stand and pedals are excellent. Robust, but very nice looking. It is an eye catcher.
Does not have too many sounds and features but more than enough for a start. App suport is iOS only (no Android) so I havenen't tried it yet.
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Love it!
Narjin 23.05.2023
This piano was the best choice for me! I am very pleased! Its very beautiful. The sound is wonderful. Nothing extra. Delivery was very fast, everything was on time. The only thing is that the reverb effect is almost inaudible. At least I don't hear any difference with or without it. I'm using the pedal! thank you!
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Ravie de mon achat
Pyuno 02.03.2021
Piano très correct pour le prix, idéal pour travailler à la maison ou dans un appart étudiant. Le piano en lui-même est beau, a un toucher correct, le seul bémol étant qu'il est difficile d'avoir un beau son lorsque le volume est bas.