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Beautiful Lamp! Great value for money!
Anonim 09.04.2022
It was purchased as a gift to a friend who uses a grand piano at home. He says it is the best dim light he had ever used. However, I believe it is more useful the purchase the one which is based to the side rather than the centre one ( at the back of the piano music stand) . Considering that a pianist might wants the piano lid open.
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The wife is happy
r_j_j 21.08.2020
Great present for my wife, she really enjoys the warm light coming from this piano lamp. It is not at all 'clinical' like a dentist room and the fact that you can dim it makes it perfect for use in the living room if you don't want your eyes blinded.
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very good lamp
FélixMM 07.01.2020
I use the lamp on my acoustic piano and I am very satisfied with it. The base is heavy enough so it does not move, the power of the light can be tuned with the round button. It is also visible that the manufacturing quality of this product is very high. I recommend it