I've tried a number of Millenium products and while it's obvious that at such super affordable prices there will inevitably be some cut corners, The Strike is by far the worst in that regard.
Let me start by saying that the pedal is extremely customizable - you can adjust the angle of the footboard and the beater, and you can switch between the direct drive and chain system.
And that's about it for the positives. Replacing the springs is a serious hassle (I gave up), one of the beaters got curved even though its made of metal, and a two tiny screws that connect the direct drive system quickly got worn out to the point of not being able to screw them on or off anymore - just some of the things that just go to show what kind of low-quality materials were used.
The entire thing seems to be built on a tight schedule as the pedal never fully felt tight and smooth. I guess for someone looking to try a double pedal or a direct drive without real commitment, it might serve a purpose but any sort of serious playing, I recommend looking elsewhere.