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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Great sound
Inside_groovy 23.01.2025
This is exactly what I was looking for:
- A dry hi-hat that cuts through any mix, but does it like a true gentleman.
- Two wonderful crashes that allow you to make an accent where it is necessary, without pulling all the blanket over yourself and without taking away the whole story.
- A wonderful warm, dark ride.
It is also worth noting that in each cymbal there is a clear separation between the dome and the body in the sound itself.
It will be very pleasant to play jazz/acoustic on them. They will also fit perfectly into other styles.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Bin begeistert!
MichaBD 12.06.2021
Habe mir den Zildjian K-Custom Special Dry Pack zugelegt und es macht einfach nur Spaß. Das Set klingt wundervoll weich, tief und dreckig. Das Ride ist der Wahnsinn und kann sehr vielseitig eingesetzt werden. Sogar als Jazzride-Becken macht es eine super Figur.
So, ich gehe jetzt gleich mal wieder Üben und freue mich auf diesen Klangrausch.