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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Great crash/ride with nice bell
Anonimo 30.04.2015
The bell: played with the shoulder of the stick the bell produces a nice and cutting but not overly sharp sound.
The bow: played in the middle of the bow you get a mellow ride sound with lots of wash and good stick definition which gets tighter as you move closer to the bell.
The edge: fantastic crashability with surprisingly fast attack for a cymbal of this size.
I currently use this cymbal for a lot of crash riding in a stoner rock band. It's just perfectly suited for creating a massive wall of chrash during halftime parts.
Only 4/5 for quality because the edge of mine is slightly sharp so you have to watch out not to hurt yourself when choking the cymbal.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
zildjian a sweet ride 21'
Anonimo 23.12.2016
This is Ride I?ve bought from second try.
First try was unpleasant because ride unfortunately,
came with defects, cymbal had micro cracks on the top
on the bottom and on the "Hole". Serial Number ended on 110.
Second Ride that came intead of first one has low quality
"Hole", without any Cracks but crooked (or curve)...
I Hope all be fine, but still very scary (smiley)
Serial number of second ride ended on 109
(that is really surprised me).
Probably, this cymbal was created by unqualified worker,
anyway it has too low quality for Zildjian Cymbals.
Thanks a lot to Thomann for replacement first defected cymbal. Second cymbal is defected too.....
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
One of the best rides there is!
Luïgi 27.09.2019
This cymbal is all purpose, its a ride its a crash.
I use it in every genre I play from singer-songwriter to rock/punk to metal! its al I need. I wanted this ride for a long time and no I have it is one of the best there is!
Great packaging and service from Thomann as always!
Thanks Thomann!