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Iov__ 08.11.2024
It's really good and got me through a tour around Europe. I really liked that i didn't have to haul around a huge and heavy tube head.
Can be really loud and has a good range of tones from crunchy cleans to really brutal distorted sounds. Doesn't really sound like a full tube head but that's expected. Gets really close though and the tubes on the preamp are enough to give the tube feeling to the player (the audience doesn't really care :P )
One thing that's important for me is how well it responds to the guitar volume knob and this amp given the fact that it has tube preamp does it quite well.
There is a switch that turns off the fan on the side of the unit. Once some sound guy turned it off during soundcheck cause he thought it was the power button and the unit got quite hot by the time we finished checking. It didn't have any problems though i just never seen it get that hot. Once i turned the fan back on it cooled back to normal temps really fast.