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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Does the job, it's a case, it protects, it holds the mixer, no bells, whistles or flashing lights
PhilPreddy 28.05.2024
This case is designed for the mixer, it fits well and is not any bigger than it needs be, whilst still offering a decent padding for the mixer. Designed to allow the mixer to be useable without taking the mixer off the base, the lid lifts off leaving the mixer sat on the base, padding is low enough to access all connections. Robust construction, total weight for case and mixer is just about 35kg (without stickers). Seems strong enough to withstand life on the road, we are more careful in moving it than 'roadies', - after all it's ours and WE have to pay if we damage it - but I think its tough enough to be handled by those who don't have a financial interest in keeping it intact and looking pretty.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Macht was er soll
Knollewolle 29.08.2017
Alles super. Nur hätte man sich etwas überlegen können bei den seitlichen Griffen, damit der Case nicht so weit seitlich kippt beim tragen, wenn er voll ist. Zuweilen dann etwas unangenehm zu tragen.
Insgesamt aber super verarbeitet und so handlich, wie eben ein so großer Case sein kann :-)