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Overall good case with some problems
gzt-project 17.08.2023
This is a quality built sturdy case but it has some drawbacks:
- The wheels are too close together, resulting in reduced stability - you always have to double check the case before taking the hands off. It's also quite clumsy if you try to put some other cases on the top.
- For this price I'd expect better butterfly latches - automatic ones that move out of the way when turning them
- No protection for the wooden armrest on the board - If you're not really careful when taking the lid on and off, you're going to end up with a bunch of chipped dents in the wooden armrest. The case is meant to protect the console, not damage it...
-There is no cutout for the console lamp in the dockhouse so you have to squeeze it between the cover and console - resulting in a scratched area on the console.
Other than that it is a good case with plenty of handles which come in very handy as the case with the console weighs 68kg!
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Heavier than the console, and can be unstable on the wheels
Dave T Scotland 25.03.2022
Good solid case that fits the desk perfectly, however, the wheels on the base could have benefited by being closer to the ends to make it more stable. Its very easy for the desk to suddenly decide its gonna fall when being wheeled about. Other than that, if you don't mind the mega heavy combined weight of the case and the wing, then its a good buy