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These are just two magnets that makes an electric strange sound when they attract each other.
Nothing more to say, it is a simple and funny device for experimentation, especially coupled with a contact microphone put to the surface where the 'olives' lay upon.
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zorglub76 04.10.2021
This is not a percussive instrument. I can't imagine anyone keeping the rhythm with these things.
It's two metal bead-shaped magnets. They produce sound similar to two big metal balls hitting each other, and then processed with a quick pitch shifting delay. So, you get something like a short "BZzzng".
You can make some frequency range of that sound ('more highs' or 'more mids') more pronounced, depending on the way you're holding the beads.
You can hold one bead and drop the second from 1-2cm. You can put ring finger between them, and then trigger the upper part of one of them using index finger, thus 'playing' it with a single hand.
All in all, a very limited range of sounds and very complicated to keep rhythm with. Also, the sound is not useful in most of the music genres. If you do need it, you'll probably sample it and then use beads as a fidget.
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Even your kids will love it
synthesist 17.10.2019
This is such a great and versatile toy!
With a little bit of creative imagination you can create all sorts of crazy noises with this. Highly recommended for the experimentalists!
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Fun gift
Anonimo 15.07.2016
It is basically two strong coated magnets which produce a hissing sound when they collide. A nice gift with an interesting sound.
One downside is that the surface is not entirely smooth and has bumps. Still, a great buy for the price!