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Good quality cloth
Rain214 02.08.2019
It's really nice to use when cleaning up especially satin finish guitars, it just that it's always slipping on my hand when I use it. Overall it's a good quality cloth that I think would last a long time.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Sehr fein - sehr gut
Cinnamon Kid 03.03.2023
Das Poliertuch von Taylor funktioniert hervorragend. Vielleicht ist es für manche etwas zu fein und dadurch zu haftend für Hochglanz-Lackierungen. Dafür reinigt es das Instrument sehr gründlich.
Optik: Je nach Monitor sah das Tuch für mich blau-grau oder fast schwarz, bzw. anthrazit aus. Das gelieferte Tuch ist dunkelgrau mit einem leicht glänzenden Schimmer.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Good microfiber cloth!
Carlos Garcia 07.11.2019
I just can say that it is a good cleaning microfiber cloth, the results when cleaning my guitar are excellent without any sign of scratches. On a side note it would be good if these were available in larger sizes. I do recommend this product.