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Questa custodia studiata per acustiche Taylor combina le proprietà di una custodia rigida e protettiva all interno, con quelle di una borsa da viaggio all'esterno. comodissima nel trasporto, sia a mano, sia in spalla con rinforzi nelle spalliere. all'esterno è fatta veramente in modo eccellente e protegge al 100% la tua chitarra. Consigliatissima
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Perfect fit for my Taylor 314CE
Taylor Case 21.01.2022
This case has sturdy construction, great snug fit, ample protection for my beloved Taylor. The front pocket is cleverly laid out inside with extra organiser pockets for separating small accessory items. The material is hard wearing the zip feels heavy duty. A great quality item worth the price. Highly recommend - just make sure you check the size guide to match it to your guitar.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Great Case/bag, expensive though
Skilder 05.04.2021
Bought this Aero Case for my Taylor 214 ce DLX (2015) because I wanted to be able ride my bike to jams with my guitar on my back. This was impossible with the Taylor hard case that came with the guitar. I wanted ultimate protection for my guitar though, so I bought this aero case, which is very sturdy. It does it's job well, but it hurt my wallet quite a bit. I wish there was a good quality more affordable alternative but no luck.
Pro: This aero case made it a lot easier to go jam at friends houses riding a bycicle. It is strong and keeps the guitar safe.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
A great all-around case
Mark32 05.12.2020
I love this. I had Visesnut, BAM, Calton, Hiscox cases. All great cases especially if you travel by airplane. But for every other use that does not imply checking in the guitar at the airport, this is the most comfortable. It's light, sturdy, fits all my guitars, the front pocket is big. It's money well spent and I love the looks (even if I don't have any Taylor).