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My main gigging kit
ndbobrov 25.10.2024
I've been playing this intensity over a year - and it's a great kit. Pretty light, though gives you nice jazzy sound. My choice was to improve it with ambassadors on snare and toms and EMAD2 on the kick to make sure it can give volume and punch. And it can! Tight when mic'd up, and definite in smaller venues. Seen some reviews criticizing the snare - but I like it a lot. Never had any problems with lost tuning. Cymbal holder attached to the kick is a treat and actually is crucial, so that you don't carry another cymbal stand.
Only issue is that my pearl eliminator pedal damaged the kick hoop. I had to buy Gibraltar kick riser to fix that.
Also I bought meinl cymbal extension to be able to set my cymbal on the kick higher. The original stand is kinda short.
Overall, it took time to get used to it (there's no "fat" feeling of regular sized drums), but I genuinely love my red club jam. Great workhorse for the money.